Booking Heavy Vehicle Lessons/Courses

Please, feel free to call Skills on Wheels on the following number to book LR, MR, HR & HC Driving Courses & Assessments.

0413 011 392
0413 011 392
02 9596 2770
Fill in the form below

*The Call & SMS buttons might not work in all browsers

Please, feel free to use the following form to submit your booking request. One of our agents will call you back to confirm your booking, and discuss all the details.

A valid name is required. It can contain only letters, spaces and dashes.
Please, enter a valid Phone Number. It can contain only numbers and the plus and minus signs.
Please, enter a valid suburb name.
The date should be in the form DD/MM/YYYY.
The time should be in the form HH:MM AM/PM with leading zeros where necessary.
Please, let us know how we can help.